A multifaceted iPad case

There have been a hundreds of options for iPad cases in the market.  Most do a good job protecting the iPad, but fail in increasing usability.  Brenthaven 5-in1 case does a great job.  The case has three pieces:  a top, bottom, and overall cover.  The pieces are then customized to achieve five functions:  (1) full, hardshell protection of the iPad when not in use, (2) a horizontal viewing stand, (3) a strap system to hang the iPad for viewing videos, (4) a stand to make typing on a flat surface easier, and (5) a fixed strap to easily grasp the device when in use.  Overall, the case seems very handy and does most of the tasks it was designed for very well.  It will add about 1 lb. to the iPad and sells for about $60.  Brenthaven also makes many great bags and accessories for laptops and Apple gear.